Jeff Klemm and The Letters - "Twilight Hindsight" EP - 2017
Jeff Klemm and The Letters - "Twilight Hindsight" EP - 2017
Twilight Hindsight is an introduction to the band Jeff Klemm and The Letters showcasing their versatile musical style and previewing what’s to come from the band. With one part grooving-can’t-get-out-of-your-head rock, one part moody sing-alongs and one part beautiful orchestrally focused arrangements.
We all think we know better. We all see things more clearly in hindsight as you know, but the concept behind this song and EP explores WHEN you exactly start knowing better. When you start seeing in Hindsight. My idea is that not knowing better is symbolic of being in darkness and it's not until you let the light, the first glimpse of light, the TWILIGHT in, only then can you can see clearly in Hindsight. Magicians use illusions also known as smoke and mirrors to deceive you, well this song explores the concept of nostalgia deceiving you. You could yearn for a person place or thing, but this song and album presents the concept that maybe what you are missing is the past. Nostalgia. Hence Smoke and Rearview Mirrors.
01. Smoke & Rearview Mirrors
02. Send It
03. These Fragile Bones
04. Tennessee
05. Whirlwind
Released November 3rd 2017
Recorded in various places. Mixed & Mastered in Akron, OH at Central 8 Studios by Nathan Doutt